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Real. Raw. Authenic.

Three things I am constantly striving for in this crazy journey called life.

I always like to joke and say that if you would've told me five years ago that I would be on the pathway I am, I would've laughed in your face. However, the unexpected blessings presented to me starting in my undergraduate career have been nothing short of remarkable. 

That being said, "adulting" is hard. No one really tells you how life should look in your twenties, and you can often find yourself in a very different place and stage than many of your friends and colleagues. 


This podcasting project, CANDID, stems from a place of understanding and deep desire to serve those around me and who may come after me. Throughout my experience in the vast and diverse field that is the agriculture industry, I've been able to connect with some incredible individuals who I believe have immeasurable amounts of wisdom to share.


Follow along to hear from people whose journeys, struggles, and triumphs you may be surprised to find aren't that different than your own. You can find us chatting about everything from making friends in your 20s, running your own small business, working in corporate agriculture, going back to the family farm, and everything in between. 


I hope you find as much value in these people and their wisdom as I do. 


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